I know, I know, I know....
Today is the 10th of June, which means that a lot of you are finishing classes this week. Those of you who are writing the First Certificate will be happy when Saturday afternoon comes. And I know that everyone has big plans for the summer, that they're going to find an intercambio or watch movies or fall in love with someone from an English-speaking country. (If they're VERY lucky, they might have the chance to do all three.)
I'm doing a list of ways to study for one of my clients, but let me just say this: Whatever you do, make it fun. Fun funciona. Fun in the sun, 'cause it's summer! Seriously, though - even if you only choose to do one thing to practice, enjoy it. Have fun with it. It could be watching SpongeBob SquarePants in English (yes, it's weird, but the images are so strange the language kind of becomes irrelevant, don't you think?) It could be learning songs by Amy Winehouse or Lady Gaga or Madonna. Whatever you choose, choose something that will make you smile and have fun. You're more likely to continue doing it.
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