
Five Great Twitter Feeds for Students

Even if you don't have a Twitter account, you can still take advantage of the knowledge and experience that the experts share on Twitter. Although there are lots of great people and companies to follow, here are five great feeds for students of English....

@AJEnglish - English language news from the Gulf's Al-Jazeera TV News. Al-Jazeera has a lot of viewers whose first language is not English, so it's easier to follow than CNN.

@GrammarMonkeys - Fun for intermediate-advanced students. Learn how to use use hyphens properly, identify funny mistakes and learn what NOT to do with English.

@phrasemix - I don't know who Aaron is or who he teaches, but...how does he always remember to write down those little things that students get wrong in class...AND provide a short, easy answer in under 140 characters?

@ThisIsSethsBlog - Seth Godin doesn't teach English, but that doesn't mean he isn't helpful. He's a marketing and work psychology guru who, at least once a week, posts something REALLY useful and inspiring about the power of positive thinking - and how to check your attitude so that you don't end up being your biggest problem

@myenglishexam - This is the Twitter feed that goes with the excellent Flo-Joe website- if you're doing First Certificate, Advanced or Proficiency in the next few months, you need to consult both the website and the Twitter feed regularly

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