@AJEnglish - English language news from the Gulf's Al-Jazeera TV News. Al-Jazeera has a lot of viewers whose first language is not English, so it's easier to follow than CNN.
@GrammarMonkeys - Fun for intermediate-advanced students. Learn how to use use hyphens properly, identify funny mistakes and learn what NOT to do with English.
@phrasemix - I don't know who Aaron is or who he teaches, but...how does he always remember to write down those little things that students get wrong in class...AND provide a short, easy answer in under 140 characters?
@ThisIsSethsBlog - Seth Godin doesn't teach English, but that doesn't mean he isn't helpful. He's a marketing and work psychology guru who, at least once a week, posts something REALLY useful and inspiring about the power of positive thinking - and how to check your attitude so that you don't end up being your biggest problem
@myenglishexam - This is the Twitter feed that goes with the excellent Flo-Joe website- if you're doing First Certificate, Advanced or Proficiency in the next few months, you need to consult both the website and the Twitter feed regularly
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